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Lions in Romania

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Thanks to the Lions
Lions Piaza Mare
Primar(Mayor) Lienerth
We had long heard about the good work of the Lions and now can testify that it is more amazing in person and more valuable than any of the stories could portray. We want to thank Jim and Fran Cameron and their splendid team of volunteers for providing Vurpar with the biggest day in its history.

Thanks individually to John and Arlene Clester, Ron and Audry Joyce, Layne and Janet Warren, Marco Barrera and Serai Escamilla, Carlos Gutierrez, Wilma and Rick Frazee, Ron Kersten, Mia and Betsy Dragan, Joe and Connie Marcheggiani, Harold and Shirley Robinson, Ron Hinshaw, Doris Yoder,Charlie and Anne Haffner, Joe Roberts, George Cross, John Zakhi, Bill and Sue Penn, Doris Crockett.

We also understand thanks are due to Lens Crafters, Inc. for their generous support of Lions program. As Jim Camerons says, “we just could never help so many people without the help of Lens Crafters.”

Thanks also to Michael Lienerth, Primar of Vurpar, for his assistance in organizing the people of Vurpar to be so supportive and helpful.

And all the work was well worth it when you can help a kid see.

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