A top a hill at one end of the long valley perches a German
church overlooking the village, seemingly protecting the
people of Vurpar. The Sasi (Saxons)
lived side-by-side with their Romanian neighbors for centuries
maintaining their German traditions, lending traditions
to their Romanian friends and borrowing to supplement their
own ways. During the communist times the Germans were persecuted
throughout Romania and sadly, to the deep regret of their
neighbors, many were ransomed back to Germany or left as
soon as the borders opened. You will see the ghosts of the
Germans in the many blue-eyed children of the village.
Here to visit the Saxon in "Transivanien"
Home Page.
The Romanian church overlooks Vurpar from another hill at
the opposite end of the valley. The view is excellent and,
like the German church, the Romanian church seems to serve
shepherd and protector from its perch. |
Romania is an Orthodox country. Candles, icons, incense and
cantors define the religion. |
German Altar
The church is still maintained, but it is indeed rare to
hear German spoken in Vurpar. The contributions to support
the maintenance of the church, the small congregation and
the small school come from departed Sasi and other Germans.
German Organ
The Sasi were Lutherans, a religion defined by its pastor,
by song and individual responsibility. |