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a photo to view a large version
of us set off to Vurpar in June 2001, in the days of short waits
at airports...
& Fran Cameron
Our goals were
to start a Lions Club in Vurpar, teach a little Romanian heritage
to Sam Dragan, take the next developmental steps at the school,
meet with scholarship students to outline program expectations,
and learn more about the economic development potential of the village.
Lions Club
Jim and Fran
Cameron led in the establishment of the first Lions Club in a village
in Romania. The prospective members gathered at town hall, listened
to an explanation of Lionism and filled in the forms for affiliation
and membership. Three women were included in the group, officers
were elected and minutes taken. Initial projects were discussed
and Cameron carried away a packet of membership forms
Club Meeting
Later Cameron
and Simon Dragan met with representatives of the Lions club in Sibiu.
Given the average income in Romania is hardly over $100 per month
in the cities and less than half of that in the subsistence economy
of the villages the professionals who make up the Lions Club in
Sibiu were simply mystified how the villagers could accomplish such
a step.
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